Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Three times in the past three weeks, and by three different people I have been referred to as "real".  It got me thinking, what does that mean and was I being complimented or insulted?  I'm going to take it as a compliment and run with it.

What is real in the world of Nurse. Mom. STEMI.?  Here goes, whether it is in healthcare or life, I firmly believe in a saying that one of my favorite family practice residents of all time used- "You can't polish a turd."  Laugh if you want, but it's true.  I believe in healthcare we make two crucial mistakes.  We do not admit when we suck, and we do not celebrate our successes nearly enough. 

I have watched many nurses, doctors, EMT Basics, Paramedics, therapists, PA's, NP's-you name it-come and go over the past 16 years.  I still look back and think fondly of those that looked me square in the eye and said "I think I screwed up." Now keep in mind those numbers are small.  But it takes alot to admit a screw up, especially in healthcare.

Take the topic that my life surrounds, STEMI.  Across the nation (and the world by the looks of who is reading this crazy blog) people are trying to do things better and faster in regards to STEMI.  What seems crazy to me is that rarely will we, in this world of competing health systems, let our guard down and share our "suckiness and our successes".  There is a small piece of me that believes if we could all get together in one room, put a couple 30-packs of Busch Light on ice (South Dakota beer), and tell our stories- we would accomplish more than we would give ourselves credit for. 

So back to the topic of "real".  South Dakota STEMI care is on a journey to greatness. Are we there yet? No. Are we on the right path? Yes.  Can we learn from what others have to offer? Yes. Can they learn from what we have to offer? Yes.  So let's just get real and admit what our barriers are and work together.  I love to visit with people as I travel and get their take on their STEMI program.  I'll visit with anyone who will give me 5 minutes.  (I particularly like the lunch lines at conferences to visit.)  While I admire those that are wonderful, I sometimes learn more from those who say "Boy we suck at our First Medical Contact to ____ (fill in your data point of choice)".  When people are willing to knock down those barriers, we find that we are all fighting the same battles.

On the topic of life and being "real".  I did take the past two days off and have worked really hard at not "working".  I did something I never do, I baked.  The yummy smells of caramel corn and puppy chow (that's a Midwest treat I'll share with you someday) currently fill the house.   The kids just walked in the door from school and said "Mom, it smells funny in here."  Welcome to the life of the working mom. Yep, ya can't polish a turd.

1 comment:

  1. I had a great spot of wisdom bestowed upon me a few years back.."success starts with suc(k). Its stuck with me and I've repeated to myself numerous times.

    Good job to you on doing some baking!

    PS: being "real" is just that. You tell it like it is, work hard, don't hold back and continue to improve in many aspects of your life..worm or personal. You say what you mean and mean what you say. IRS definitely a compliment.
